
Thursday, November 3, 2016

What is the Difference Between HTTP and FTP || A quick explanation?

What is the Difference Between HTTP and FTP || A quick explanation?


HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) are two different protocols used for internet-based computer communication. HTTP is used to transfer web resources such as web pages, images, and videos between a web server and a client, whereas FTP is used to transfer files between computers over the internet. HTTP works by using URLs to identify the location of the web resources being requested, and by sending requests and responses between the client and server using a set of rules and protocols that are universally accepted.


What is HTTP?


What is HTTP?

The application-level protocol used to convey data on the Web is called HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP protocol contains the rules by which Web servers and browsers exchange data. Although HTTP is most often associated with the World Wide Web, it can also be used for other things, such as distributed object management systems.

What is HTTP and FTP with brief explain

How Does HTTP Work? 


A request-response protocol is HTTP. As an illustration, a Web browser starts a request to a server by establishing a TCP/IP connection. The request is composed of


O a request line,
O a set of request headers, and
O an entity.
The server sends a response that comprises
O a status line,
O a set of response headers, and
O an entity.


The request or response's entity, which could be binary data, can be referred to as the payload. The ASCII characters in the remaining items can be read. The TCP/IP connection may be closed by either the browser or the server after the response has been delivered, or the browser may issue another request.

 An Example

Here is an example interaction between a Web browser and the Silicon Press server,, to demonstrate HTTP. Upon a user's request to visit the URL

The browser sends the following HTTP request to

GET / HTTP/1.1

Connection: Keep-Alive

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.2-11; Linux)

 What are the uses of HTTP?

An application-level protocol for networked, collaborative, hypermedia information systems is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The World Wide Web was created as a result of its use for retrieving materials that were linked together. The most popular protocol on the internet is HTTP. A server responds with an HTML (hypertext markup language) page when a client sends an HTTP request.

His pages are shown via HTTP protocol.


Tim Berners-Lee created the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), sometimes known as HTTP, at the CERN Laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1990. It serves as the basis for both the World Wide Web and HTML in modern times. The HTTP protocol was developed in three versions: 0.9, 1.0, and 1.1. Today, both 1.0 and 1.1 are often used.


HTML was created with speed and portability in mind. By adding a file type notification, or MIME type, to the header of the data being sent, the speed of delivery is facilitated. This makes it possible for the application receiving the file to do so without having to ask the sender what program should be used to read or see its contents.


 A Web page contains mixed elements such as text and images. Each element requires a different amount of resources to store and download. HTTP enables multiple connections to download separate elements concurrently, thus speeding up the transmission. Each element is assigned its own particular file type and therefore can be handled faster and more efficiently by the receiving computer.


Another ground-breaking development in HTTP was its addressing model. The public had trouble utilizing the Internet when machines had to be identified by an IP address, which was a string of digits. The World Wide Web became commercially feasible when IP addresses were converted into names that are widely recognized.


Before data transfer, file type notice allows the receiving application to immediately download extensions or plug-ins if more power is required to display the data. Flash players and PDF document readers are examples of these add-ons.


Each file is downloaded over a separate connection using HTTP 1.0, which subsequently terminates the connection. As the connection only lasts for the transfer of a single Web page element, this lowers the danger of communication being intercepted. To increase security, the HTTP exchange is encrypted using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol.

Ease of Programming

Compared to protocols that use codes that call for lookups, HTTP uses plain text coding, making it simpler to understand and use. Instead of formatting data as strings of variables or fields, lines of text are used instead.

Search Capabilities

A single HTTP request can search a database, even though HTTP is just a straightforward communications protocol. Due to this, the protocol may be used to execute SQL queries and conveniently format the results as an HTML document.

Persistent Connections

An administrative burden is introduced by HTTP's minor shortcoming of requiring many connections to send a typical Web page. For several queries, HTTP 1.1 can keep the connection open. The idea of "pipelining" was also introduced, allowing many requests to be sent to the receiving computer before the initial one is fulfilled. These two actions reduce the amount of time it takes to deliver a Web page.


One drawback of HTTP is that information exchanged via it is not encrypted, which can jeopardize your privacy.

2. Compared to other protocols, packet headers are larger because they are necessary for the security and quality control of the data being sent.

3. Information transmitted by a browser exposes your PC to online dangers. The name of your computer, your IP address, the operating system you are using, and any other information that the website you requested needs to know can be communicated through your browser headers.

4. is slower than other native protocols but more dependable, secure, and capable of transferring bigger data volumes.

What is FTP:

What is FTP: (File Transfer Protocol?)

File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a widely used network protocol for transferring computer files between clients and servers connected via a computer network.
A client and server on a computer network can transmit data by using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a common network protocol.

FTP uses distinct control and data connections between the client and the server and is built on a client-server model architecture. FTP users can connect anonymously if the server is set up to support it, but they must authenticate themselves using a clear-text sign-in protocol, typically in the form of a username and password. FTP is frequently secured using SSL/TLS for secure transmission that safeguards the account and password and encrypts the content (FTPS). SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), which is technologically distinct, is occasionally used in its place.


Most Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems still include the initial FTP client software, which was command-line programs created before operating systems had graphical user interfaces. Since then, a wide variety of FTP clients and automation tools have been created for desktops, servers, mobile devices, and hardware. FTP has also been integrated into productivity tools like Web page editors.

What is HTTP and FTP with brief explain

Uses of FTP:

FTP is most frequently used to download files. The majority of online auctions, MP3 music sharing, and gamers all depend on FTP. Everyone who builds and maintains a website has to be able to transfer files fast and reliably.

How can use FTP?

Ø  The majority of web hosting firms give their clients FTP access so they can upload content for their websites.

Businesses frequently have FTP servers that let customers transmit and receive files.

The majority of institutions have FTP servers that let students download readings and upload assignments.

Use FTP to share files between users, especially if they are too big to email an attachment for.

Browse through a group of downloadable files on a public software archive using FTP.

How FTP Works:-

Ø  Your PC has an auto-installed FTP manager and an FTP client.

You need an FTP server address and specific details about the FTP server you want to connect to.

For instance: FTP is the server address.

A password and user name.

Give your client program's server address, user name, and password.

Today, we share similarly to FTP.

 How do upload files?

  You must connect to an FTP server using the correct login information and password before you may upload files (most servers do NOT allow anonymous users to upload). To find the correct login details, get in touch with the FTP server administrator.
After connecting, you must choose the correct folder. Not every folder to which you have access may allow uploads. To find out which folder you ought to upload to, get in touch with the FTP server's administrator.
When connected and in the appropriate folder, you have several uploading options available to you:


Upload Menu Option, first

1. Select FILE | UPLOAD from the menu.

2. Choose the file or files to upload from the Upload dialogue box.

B. Toolbar Button for Upload

Choose the Upload toolbar button in step 1.

2. Choose the file or files to upload from the Upload dialogue box.

Drop and Drag

Navigate to the files you want to upload in a windows explorer view like My Computer. 3. Drag the files into the right pane of FTP Explorer.

NOTE: Currently, the only method for uploading whole directories is by drag and drop.


1.   enables the transfer of numerous files and directories.

2. The capability to continue a transfer if the connection is lost.

3. A lot of FTP clients allow you to plan transfers.

4. Faster HTTP transport of them.

5. The majority of clients have synchronization capabilities.


1. Files and user names are delivered in clear text.
2. Filtering active FTP connections on your local workstation is challenging.
A fake server can deliver data to any port on an undesired computer.

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