
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Cloud: The Key to Success with Big Data

The cloud and big data are two of the most important contemporary computer technologies, but when they work together, they are much more potent.

The Cloud: The Ultimate Tool for Big Data Success
The Cloud: The Ultimate Tool for Big Data Success

We have heard about a variety of tools and platforms for managing big data and analytics in the modern era of big data. Every platform, including Spark and Hadoop, has its own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on their unique needs, multiple platforms are used by big data applications. But until we have the right infrastructure to support it, this choice of platform and technologies does not ensure the application's success.

 The cloud is the key element in this situation. To accommodate big data requirements, we need a suitable elastic cloud infrastructure; otherwise, it will be a frustrating experience in the production environment.
In what ways does the cloud support big data applications, and why is it so important?

What Is Infrastructure in the Cloud?

Actually, cloud infrastructure is a type of infrastructure that can only be accessible online. Because it is a virtual infrastructure, the networking system contains it. Infrastructure as a service, or IaaS, is a concept that implements a collection of services termed cloud infrastructure on demand. One of the various models used to supply cloud infrastructure services is this one. The consumers of this service can use both computational and storage capabilities thanks to this fully automated methodology. As a result, consumers won't need to build an entirely new physical infrastructure because they will already have access to a solid IT cloud architecture.

Cloud Infrastructure as a Finished Good

Cloud infrastructure is one of the most well-liked offerings from cloud computing businesses. This software makes it simple for companies and organizations to create a robust IT infrastructure with all the required parts available. Users' requirements and preferences can be taken into account while designing the networking, storage, and computing components. This system resembles a physical infrastructure in many ways, but it is considerably simpler to set up, and manage and is also very customizable. When making changes to physical infrastructure, manual labor, and physical access are required, which makes the system very difficult to utilize. This isn't the case with cloud infrastructures. (Read Born in the Cloud: The Next Generation of Cloud Services for more information on cloud developments.)

Why the Cloud Matters for Big Data

Big data applications are used by many enterprises, and they rely on cloud infrastructures to benefit from them. Cloud infrastructures are therefore becoming more and more crucial. The following list includes a few advantages of cloud computing for big data applications.


For organizations or businesses whose bandwidth demands are continuously changing, cloud infrastructure is ideal. The user can easily configure the infrastructure's capacity if the bandwidth has to be increased or decreased. This prompt response is crucial since it could mean the difference between obtaining and losing clients.

Scalable and ready-to-use infrastructure

Any requirement may be addressed immediately and without any waiting time thanks to the ready-to-use cloud infrastructure. Success in the modern business world hinges on having a quick response time. Big data applications benefit from this ready-to-use infrastructure, which enables them to scale quickly to meet demand as it increases.

Cost Effective

Big data applications can leverage cloud infrastructure by growth and demand because they can be used on a demand basis. In the early stages of any big data application, for instance, the volume is typically modest, so there is less of a need for infrastructure. Additionally, as this demand grows over time, so will the requirements for infrastructure. Because the cloud offers the flexibility to change the infrastructure demand as needed, it is affordable for the clients. (See 5 Ways Companies Can Cut Cloud Costs for additional information on how to save money in the cloud.)


Each and every firm must make significant investments in disaster recovery to have insurance in the event of a catastrophe. However, not every company has the resources—financial or human—to devote to data recovery. However, with the development of cloud infrastructure, even small organizations with very tight budgets and staffing can invest in data recovery. Now, thanks to cloud infrastructure, they may save both time and money.

Automated Updating

The nicest thing about cloud computing is that users do not have to handle servers because they are not located at their place of business. The server is periodically updated with new software by those in charge of remote management, which improves both its performance and frequently its security level.

How a Cloud Environment Can Help Big Data

Big data and the cloud environment have the potential to change the lives of thousands of people, becoming the biggest data trend. People all across the world will have access to a vast amount of important data when these technologies work together.

With the help of cloud computing, huge amounts of data may be processed all at once. It's also not too expensive because it doesn't need high-end processing hardware, a lot of storage, or a lot of room.


On the other side, cloud computing users produce enormous amounts of data every day. The handling of this data might be very difficult. But because of the strength of cloud computing, it is easily manageable. Because of its processing power and large storage capacity, cloud infrastructure can efficiently process large amounts of big data. Then, using this processed data, one can gain insightful knowledge about a variety of interesting subjects. Big data is thus greatly benefited from the development of cloud computing.

What Are the Challenges?

Even though big data can greatly benefit from the use of cloud computing, existing cloud computing and storage techniques must significantly advance to meet expectations. This includes personal cloud storage systems like NAS (network attached storage) devices, which are always developing to function more effectively.

Many people think that using cloud devices is just way too difficult. They frequently find it difficult to see the need for complicated equipment when their place of employment has a straightforward storage device. A common problem with cloud infrastructure is security. However, with more recent cloud architectures, this issue rarely arises.

Despite all of these difficulties, big data need the cloud to succeed.

What Is the Future?

Despite all of these obstacles, big data must cooperate with the Big data, and cloud computing has the potential to have a very prosperous future. High-capacity cloud storage devices can be used to store user-generated big data, which can then be processed by cloud processing tools to extract usable information. Additionally, fraud detection, risk identification, and policy underwriting are all possible uses for the information processed via cloud computing.

With the aid of cloud computing, big data analytics technologies will become considerably more straightforward in the future. Machine learning will be crucial in the effective analysis of huge data using these cloud-integrated solutions. Powerful networks of cloud-based services are anticipated to be created in the future, along with an increase in security. This will improve machine learning and enable automatic data analysis.

Big data and the cloud will collaborate in a more sophisticated and effective way to create a comprehensive success story. All business sizes, whether small, medium-sized, or huge, will benefit from it.

Success Stories

Since its inception, cloud computing has gained a lot of popularity. Cloud computing is being used by many organizations and companies to improve the speed and accuracy of their decision-making. For improved outcomes, several Fortune 500 corporations and even some small organizations have been utilizing this technology in addition to big data.

Dropbox, a potent cloud storage service with ample data storage, is an illustration of one such service. Another illustration is Siemens, which uses the cloud platform Syncplicity's services to improve its staff and customer collaboration.

For faster access and better control, Bitly is also moving its 25 billion links to the IBM cloud servers. Cloud infrastructure is being used by even academic organizations like Oxford University to streamline access for thousands of students.


One of the newest services provided by cloud service providers is cloud infrastructure. Due to the functionality, it offers and the ease of use, it has the potential to replace conventional physical IT systems. Additionally, it uses a lot fewer resources than conventional IT infrastructures do. It is far more adaptable and can rapidly and simply change to meet user expectations. The management of cloud infrastructures is also handled by the service providers themselves, saving users' time and money on infrastructure management.

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